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En Popüler Tracy Byrd Şarkıları

Someone To Give My Love To
Don't Need That Heartache
Somebody's Dream
The Truth About Men
Ten Rounds With Jose Cuervo (Live Version)
Sanatçı Detay Şarkı Sözleri Albümleri

Somebody's Dream Şarkı Sözü

Tracy Byrd

There's a burned out farmhouse down the road
Barn's fallin' in, field's over grown
Keep out sign on a broken fence, passers by say, "What a mess!"
It don't cross their mind that not long ago, that was

Somebody's dream, somebody's hope
Somebody's world, gone up in smoke
Ain't life a twisting, turning, changing machine

They had big plans, they had no doubts
But then the bottom fell out, it fell apart at the seams
And you wouldn't know that used to be somebody's dream

He's seventeen his thumbs in the air
Running away to God knows where
And no one wants to pick him up, all they see's a no good punk
The tore up clothes, the cigarette, the hair

Ah, but that's somebody's dream, somebody's hope
Somebody's world, gone up in smoke
Ain't life a twisting, turning, changing machine

His folks had plans, they had no doubts
They had his future figured out, guess he just figured differently
And maybe you got room in your backseat for somebody's dream

A girl walks into a pawn shop to sell her wedding ring
Says, "Since he left, man it just don't mean a thing"
She's thinkin' about what happened, thinking what went wrong
The man across the counter's thinkin' what price tag he'll put on

Somebody's dream, somebody's hope
Somebody's world, gone up in smoke
Ain't life a twisting, turning, changing machine

She had big plans, she had no doubts
She had it all figured out, guess he figured differently
Oh, but still she knows someday she'll be somebody's dream

Somebody's dream, somebody's dream
Somebody's dream, somebody's dream



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En Popüler 5 Yerli Sanatçı


Sezen Aksu

Sertab Erener



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